Friday, January 10, 2014


Happy New Year! January is always a wonderful time to clean, organize, de-clutter, and freshen up all kinds of things. My blog just happened to be one of those things. It really bothered me that every time I signed into my blogger account I was using an email address that wasn't even valid anymore, and so for months I've been working on creating a whole new blog with my current email and new domain as well. So here we are! If you have me linked in as one of your blogs that you follow be sure to update it with this new link. Stay tuned for more updates!

P.S. Did you notice the buttons on the left side of my page? You can click on them to go directly to, my pinterest page, and my etsy shop. Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Love it! I have been in the process of changing mine. PS your link is broken. It has a comma on it.
